Thursday, January 31, 2008

I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.

Not really...but as it turns out, my wife's boss's boss is the Aunt of none other than Jason of Jason's Iraq Vacation fame. The very same Jason, you ask? The very same indeed.

Crazy shit, right? I know! I'll save you the details of how exactly this connection was discovered, so for now I'll just say that we IRR types like to compare notes. Doing so helps us make sure we're all being treated more or less equally as our nation continues its benevolent quest to stamp out neo-global islamo-fascism in all of it's many forms. Benevolent quests can be awfully distracting, and the last thing we need is an Uncle Sam so caught up in the every day business of terrorist eradication that he forgets to give one of us our terminal leave, you know?

Back to Jason...I'm never sure exactly how much people utilize the links on the right side NavBar of this page, but if you haven't been checking Jason's blog lately, you've missed a lot of great content. The 2.0 linked to Jason back in July, and the posts have been flying hot and heavy since then.

One of my favorite recent posts was his list of letters from school kids
...I've seen my share of these letters as well, and they're priceless.

Not as priceless as certain open letters written by our young patriots back in the Show-Me state--but still, pretty darn priceless.


Mrs. Exnicios said...

I forgot how awesome those kids essays in Missouri were. . . especially the Uber-liberal kid who was even friends with a Mexican. Oh, you owe a cousin or nephew or distant relation a post card. . . his address is in your book of well wishes. . . are there post cards there?

Jason said...

hey thanks for the shout out! We'll have to get Lauren's boss's boss, aka my aunt, to take us all out for drinks when we are both home.

Exnicios said...

No problem, and seriously--keep cranking out the awesome content. I've really enjoyed keeping up w/ the vacation. Post GWOT drinks sound like a great plan to me!

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