Friday, February 1, 2008

Monthly Update and General Awesomeness--January 2008

I introduce guest bloggers to the Army 2.0 universe. Why? Because 11 lbs orange cats need a forum to voice their opinions too.

I chime in on what everyone is dying to talk about--NBA All-Star selections.

An interesting connection is unearthed between two of the heavyweights of the IRR blogging world.

I travel to Kabul, leaving in my wake a trail of UN types wondering "who invited this Exnicios guy to our conference?"

I celebrate Martin Luther King Day with another addition to my plywood wall of holiday related decorations.

I get sniffly thinking about California and all that Lauren and I left behind there.

I briefly comment on the violence we face here in Afghanistan and in so doing hint at sorta kinda what it actually is that I do here (crazy, I know).


mdoyle said...

WOW Bailey is 11lbs??? I sure it's all muscle from her rubber band workouts. "Kitty Abs of Steel" & "Kitty Rubber Band Jamma Wamma Workout" tapes
She really is a special cat

Mrs. Exnicios said...

Maybe she should lend her workout tapes to Copper. While she is in the "ideal" range for kitties, she hears Copper is in the "more than twice your ideal weight" range for Min Pins.

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