Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I love my wife more than anything in the world

I'm also quite fond of Kellie, the bigger, cute looking dog.

I'm not as yet entirely sold on Copper, the smaller one. Cute but rascally, that's Copper. I have to say, though--it did mean a lot to me that he took the time to make a sign and have a picture taken.

Sadly, as I'm sure you all know, the Redskins lost this weekend. It was a sad end to a trying season, and now Coach Gibbs has retired from the team as well. Coach got us to the playoffs in 2 of 3 seasons, which when you get right down to it is pretty amazing. Coach basically got the Skins into the top third of the NFL for the first time since, well, Gibbs was coach the first time around.

All of this aside...I wanted to say again how truly wonderful Lauren is, and how lucky I am to have her in my life. Thank you, baby, for the wonderful picture with the puppies.

Love to all, I'll catch you tomorrow.


Mrs. Exnicios said...

Not to sound ungrateful for that very sweet post, but Kelley spells her name like this. :)

Thank you baby, I love you more than anything in the world - and by that I mean as much as I love Bailey.

mdoyle said...

Mr Copper has asked me to notify you of his intent to have his solicitors look into the use of the word "rascally". Copper guards his reputation closely and is not opposed to pursuing legal remedies for any slight.
Otherwise he wishes you all the best and considers you as close as his "old school chums"
and is glad you enjoyed the picture

with great affection,
Copper ;)
as dictated to his correspondence secretary

Unknown said...

So cute! :-)

auntjoan said...

Mary Gracie thinks that Copper is

very handsome.

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