Save the Date! Andrew and Lauren's wedding will be on Sunday, June 21, 2009 at the Water's Edge Resort in Westbrook, Connecticut!
I realize this information may raise some questions - so I've put together some FAQs regarding the Doyle-Exnicios union.
Q1. You guys are so totally married already!
A1. Thats not a question, but yes. We are totally married already. We were married at a small ceremony at Fort Belvoir on June 16, 2007. It was beautiful and a very sacred moment when we exchanged our vows. That was also the ceremony we needed to have because of time constraints and impeding deployments. (Oh, and love. Right, we got married the first time because of love.)
Q2. Why do you need a second ceremony/reception/wedding?
A2. I will be the first to admit, I want a big wedding. With all the big wedding events. I want to wear a big wedding dress that costs so much I will take its true cost to my grave and never tell my husband. I want to make my friends wear dresses they will never wear again but all proclaim how this dress is completely rewearable. I want my hair done. I want to see my husband for more than 3 days after the wedding.
Q3. So its all about you?
A3. Um, no. Sorry. The real answer, besides all that big wedding dreams, is that there are so many people that we didn't get to celebrate with last time, that we really want to have a big party to celebrate our wedding and our marriage - and Andrew being home to enjoy that marriage! - with everyone we love.
Q4. I was at the first one. May I be excused?
Q5. Will you be doing vows/dress/cake/bouquets?
A5. We are working on reaching the right balance of honoring what we already did at our first ceremony while having a great time celebrating our marriage at the second one. We expect to have some sort of vow ceremony, though this one will be just for "show" since we're already legal. As for some of the other traditions, we'll figure out what is going to work best for us and our guests.
Q6. Is One Tree Hill the most superior teen drama out there?
A6. While not wedding related, I think its a question that deserves to be asked and answered. The answer I think is a qualified no. It is one of the superior teen dramas out there, but it is not the most superior.
Q7. Does this mean that Andrew gets to have another bachelor party?
NO. No. NO. No. No. Again, no. I think getting drunk and having strippers climb over him less than 72 hours before getting married - not to mention reeking of alcohol when greeting my family the next day - satisfied any bachelor party requirements he will ever have. He can't even go to other people's bachelor's parties.
I think it was more like 60 hours if you want to be technical about it...
For the record, no stripper crawled on Andrew. As a point of fact, we were not even allowed into one strip club. I blame the alcohol smell on Andrew's amazingly powerful mouthwash that he uses to fight off the debilitating effects of gingivitis.
Additionally, we gained valuable insight into the personality of our current President's daughters. It was an educational experience!
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