Thursday, July 26, 2007

Need Cash--Have Guns

I had duty again last night. Like last time, nothing horrible happened, which is a good thing.

As I sit here getting ready to take off for the morning, a Lieutenant Colonel walked in with an official looking flyer in in hand. Along with Captain Cannon, who is here to relieve me of my duty, I stood up when the LTC entered the room, granting him that simple courtesy which is part of the privledge of the LTC's rank.

Chris and I thought that this LTC must be some sort of high level staff officer, probably here to give us an important memo to post up on the Brigade bulletin board--something about Safety, Sexual Harrassment or the like.

We promised the LTC to post his "memo", wished him a good morning, and he was off.

And then we looked at the paper. (I deleted the image because it contained the name/number of the LTC in question--it was a gun advertisement for a civilian rifle the LTC was trying to sell.)

I'll leave the legality of such a bulletin board flier to the lawyers in the family, but I will say this--both Chris and I are already fully stocked on M14 Springfields and late Lake City 7.62mm rounds. My Bipod is a little rusty, sure, but I've still got more Hard sided airline carrying cases than I can shake a stick at.

So if any of you want to take the LTC up on his offer...just let me know.


Alien Dulce said...
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