Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Different Take

My dad, himself a former JAG, has a different take on Legal Assistance (emphasis added).

"Legal assistance is one of the most valued and valuable services provided by an SJA office. One of the quickest way to ruin the reputation of an office is to provide poor legal assistance. The work is not easy, and can present some of the most varied and complex challenges available in a military legal practice. Very few JA want to work in the LA office, as it isn't seen as a career enhancing assignment, and is of no post-service value unless the JA wants to go into a small general practice. The choicest positons in an SJA office rarely go to the non-career JA.

It should be noted that neither of the Captains in the "choicest" positions are career JA. It will be interesting to see if the work tends toward the complex and challenging (think big time Medical Board Cases for one example), or if tends toward entering in pre-defined forms on a software package for Wills.

1 comment:

Mrs. Exnicios said...

While I do not doubt (or have ever spoken against) the value of legal assistance, it is a position reserved for new JAGs - to get their feet wet, become exposed to the system and work their way into advising commanders (as you do in Administrative Law or Military Justice). It is not a place you expect to find a second tour Captain - and if I were even considering being career, it could be career killing.

All this said, it simply proves Andrew and my number one theory about the Army - when you treat Captains this way, a $20,000 (taxable) bonus (for another 3-4 year tour) is insulting and not even close to worth it. If we wanted money we wouldn't be in the Army in the first place. Value our intelligence, our skills and every once in a while, ask us what we like to do - I bet there is someone out there who likes to do every task needed.

In the end, I will, of course, complete my mission as assigned and to the best of my ability, but the Army should not be shocked when my resignation letter arrives next spring.