Monday, July 21, 2008

A Conversation of sorts...

Me: In the next couple of days I'll start the long journey home. As a reservist spending more than 270 days in Afghanistan, I'm eligible to take 15 days of "midtour" leave, and I'm taking advantage of that program to go spend some much needed time relaxing with my wife Lauren.

Faithful Readers: Midtour you, say? Aren't you almost DONE done at this point??

Me: It's true--as of today I've been playing at war for 212 days, leaving me somewhere around 70-90 days to go. If you figure that my leave will take about three weeks total (the travel time on either end of the leave doesn't count against my time) I will return to Afghanistan with +/- 2 months left of defending everyone's freedom. Pretty good stuff, no?

Faithful Readers: I guess...but when you head home, who will take up the cause of keeping America safe from the scourge of neo-global jihadism???

Me: That's a great question, but one that someone else will have to answer. Both the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates seem pretty intent on increasing the flow of resources to the fight in Afghanistan, so that's a good thing. Well, good in that this conflict deserves the attention. It's bad in that the candidates seem to be falling over each other to show how "unendurably shit-tastic" things are out here. As I've pointed out innumerable times, there are a lot of undeniable successes here to offset the obvious upticks in violence. That doesn't take away from the violence or its impact. But still, let's not go crazy like this guy did and imply that the US isn't building any schools--I can't even begin to tell you how many schools I've had the pleasure of working on.

Faithful Readers: Hmm? Are you still blabbing on? Why don't you go on leave already????

Me: Excellent suggestion, faithful readers. Have a nice few days, and I'll see you once I hit the ground in the States. I plan on posting an update or three while home, so no mid-June style lengthy absences are in the 2.0's future.

Talk to everyone soon!


Julie said...

That sounds like good news Andrew!

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