Monday, April 28, 2008

The passage of time

If it seems like things are starting to repeat themselves, I think that's because they are.

I suppose if you want to be all technical about it I've only been at this Army 2.0 stuff for a little more than 10 months, and we won't get to the real, actual repetition until the end of June...but at the same time, some things are beginning to cycle.

For instance--I just finished my (presumably final) Army Physical Fitness Test. You're supposed to take one every 6 months (I hadn't since July, at the beginning of the CAQC) so assuming I'm all wrapped up with my war-fighting by the end of October, I should be in the clear.

I celebrated this last-ever event by performing at a level that far exceeds previously probed depths of mediocrity. I did the whole "do 10 repetitions above the minimum and stand up" routine on push ups and sit ups, and I paced a slower co-worker on the run. All told, I scored an epicly average 230 on the test--if e'er there were a fitting end to my army fitness career, this was most certainly it.

I'm continuing the celebration now by taking advantage of my earlier than usual wake up time (did I mention we started this thing at 0500!!!???) by catching up on a little much needed blogging.

Now, if I can only avoid going to the M16 qualification range for the next 5+ months all be set...

1 comment:

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