Monday, May 5, 2008

Friends and Spouses: A beer blogging obsession?

Both my wife Lauren, and one of my best friends Mike, have recently expounded on their love of the sudsy stuff on their respective blogs.

Being in a beer free state for hundreds and hundreds of days now (or 135 days, depending on whether I'm allowed to hyperbolize or not) I felt compelled to comment on both posts. And while my tastes are a little different than Mike's and Lauren's, I appreciate their efforts to keep my beer dreams alive as I languish here at the (beer-free) edge of the world.

To close, I'd like to crib from the comment I left on Lauren's blog:

"The last beers I've had (not including a couple of N/A beers I've sucked down at the dining hall out of curiosity) were in the Shannon, Ireland airport. So what was that--the wee hours of the morning on December 23? I think so. I put down, rather quickly I might add, 2 pints served by a Polish bartender. All the bartenders were Poles, and I remember thinking that odd, being in Ireland and all. And then I got here to BAF, and there is a distinct international flair here among the contractors, to include many Eastern Europeans. If, when I get home, there aren't large numbers of Czechs and Croats taking care of my logistical needs I think it might throw me off for a few weeks."

Oh, and happy Cinco de Mayo everyone...just another reason why this is an appropriate post today.

1 comment:

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